Websites are perhaps the most overlooked vehicle of owner-operated businesses. Yes, every business needs a website. It doesn’t really mean that every business like dentist, lawyer, accountant, cafĂ©, restaurant, coffee shop and nightclub needs one where they can transact business online, but everyone listed in directories needs their presence on the internet. Studies have marked internet a very potential source for the customers to find you.
This might put someone thinking that would it be really affordable to put up my website. Well think again and think it this way, A website budget of $500 to $5000 USD depending upon the business you are targeting and a minor charge of $100 to $200 a month to maintain and update the website should cover all the expenses for you.
Properly constructed, a website allows your prospected clients or patients or customers to gather the information they need from the privacy of their own computer monitors. The difference here is, their questions will be answered on their own time. What are the questions your salespeople answer virtually every day, and how, exactly, would your best salesperson phrase those answers on his or her best day? This is the information that needs to be available 24/7 on your site. Clients always like getting the answers without having to ask them, they always can look at your work and work premises and the strengths by just looking at your site and can judge the strength of your business.
Think of your site as something which deepens your relationship with the client. Do you suppose it's easier to convince customers to visit your web site or to convince them to get in their car, drive to your store, and walk into your door? Guess we know the answer. It would be very easy for the client to give a virtual tour of your business on website.
According to a study 49 percent of the population are introverts, which means that they don’t really like to dial your phone number and ask questions. They would surely like to gather information before reaching to a stage where they think they are ready to ask questions. That information could be achieved from internet and having a well documented and well portrayed website would surely get them the answers they are trying to ask. It is even unlikely that they would walk to your store or office and engage one of your salesperson. Rest of the 51 percent of extroverts also would like go get an informative website and would go through it before coming to your door. Clients always appreciate more informative and easy to understand kind of knowledge than, working on something small to achieve what they want.
One more research shows and also one can experience it on their own, that over 80 percent of people who are already online they use the search engine before considering to buy a product or hire a service.
The examples, studies, research everything points to one thing, that website is no more just an investment, but more likely a source or build business, and a source to retain the potential of the business. Rather rephrase it in a way that website is creating a web presence by which your current and potential client group would remain happy and would definitely like to go through your business as and when they need anything.
This might put someone thinking that would it be really affordable to put up my website. Well think again and think it this way, A website budget of $500 to $5000 USD depending upon the business you are targeting and a minor charge of $100 to $200 a month to maintain and update the website should cover all the expenses for you.

Think of your site as something which deepens your relationship with the client. Do you suppose it's easier to convince customers to visit your web site or to convince them to get in their car, drive to your store, and walk into your door? Guess we know the answer. It would be very easy for the client to give a virtual tour of your business on website.
According to a study 49 percent of the population are introverts, which means that they don’t really like to dial your phone number and ask questions. They would surely like to gather information before reaching to a stage where they think they are ready to ask questions. That information could be achieved from internet and having a well documented and well portrayed website would surely get them the answers they are trying to ask. It is even unlikely that they would walk to your store or office and engage one of your salesperson. Rest of the 51 percent of extroverts also would like go get an informative website and would go through it before coming to your door. Clients always appreciate more informative and easy to understand kind of knowledge than, working on something small to achieve what they want.
One more research shows and also one can experience it on their own, that over 80 percent of people who are already online they use the search engine before considering to buy a product or hire a service.
The examples, studies, research everything points to one thing, that website is no more just an investment, but more likely a source or build business, and a source to retain the potential of the business. Rather rephrase it in a way that website is creating a web presence by which your current and potential client group would remain happy and would definitely like to go through your business as and when they need anything.